Source code for pypret.frequencies

""" This module handles conversion between frequency units.

The supported units and their shorthands are:

- wl : wavelength in meter
- om: angular frequency in rad/s
- f: frequency in 1/s
- k: angular wavenumber in rad/m

The conversion functions have the form `shorthand2shorthand` which is not
pythonic but very short. A more pythonic conversion can be achieved by using
the `convert` function

>>> convert(x, 'wl', 'om')

The shorthands will be used throughout the package to identify frequency units.

The functions in this module should be used wherever a frequency convention
is necessary to avoid mistakes and make the code more expressive.
from copy import copy
from .lib import sol, twopi

frequency_labels = {
    'wl': 'wavelength',
    'om': 'angular frequency',
    'f': 'frequency',
    'k': 'angular wavenumber'

frequency_units = {
    'wl': 'm',
    'om': 'Hz rad',
    'f': 'Hz',
    'k': 'rad/m'

[docs]def om2wl(om): return twopi/om*sol
[docs]def k2wl(k): return twopi/k
[docs]def f2wl(f): return sol/f
[docs]def wl2f(wl): return sol/wl
[docs]def om2f(om): return om/twopi
[docs]def k2f(k): return k*sol/twopi
[docs]def wl2om(wl): return twopi*sol/wl
[docs]def f2om(f): return twopi*f
[docs]def k2om(k): return k*sol
[docs]def wl2k(wl): return twopi/wl
[docs]def om2k(om): return om/sol
[docs]def f2k(f): return twopi*f/sol
# this dictionary can be used for programmatic conversions conversions = { 'wl': { 'wl': lambda x: copy(x), 'om': wl2om, 'f': wl2f, 'k': wl2k }, 'om': { 'wl': om2wl, 'om': lambda x: copy(x), 'f': om2f, 'k': om2k }, 'f': { 'wl': f2wl, 'om': f2om, 'f': lambda x: copy(x), 'k': f2k }, 'k': { 'wl': k2wl, 'om': k2om, 'f': k2f, 'k': lambda x: copy(x) } }
[docs]def convert(x, unit1, unit2): """ Convert between two frequency units. Parameters ---------- x : float or array_like Numerical value or array that should be converted. unit1, unit2 : str Shorthands for the original unit (`unit1`) and the destination unit (`unit2`). Returns ------- float or array_like The converted numerical value or array. It will always be a copy, even if `unit1 == unit2`. Notes ----- Unit shorthands can be any of `wl` : wavelength in meter `om` : angular frequency in rad/s `f` : frequency in 1/s `k` : angular wavenumber in rad/m """ return conversions[unit1][unit2](x)