Source code for

A module that provides mixin classes to enable persistence with HDF5 files.

Author: Nils Geib,
import h5py
import lzma
import tempfile
import types
import os
from . import handlers
from . import options
    import magic
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    magic = None


[docs]def save(val, path, archive=False, options=options.DEFAULT_OPTIONS): ''' Saves an object in an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- val : object Any Python value that is made up of storeable instances. Those are built-in types, numpy datatypes and types with custom handlers. path : str or Path instance Save path of the HDF5 file. Existing files will be overwritten! archive : bool, optional If ``True`` will compress the whole hdf5 file. This is useful when dealing with (many) small HDF5 files as those contain significant overhead. options : HDF5Options instance, optional The HDF5 options that will be used for saving. Defaults to the global options instance `DEFAULT_OPTIONS`. ''' if archive: _savez(val, path, options=options) else: _save(val, path, options=options)
def _savez(val, path, options=options.DEFAULT_OPTIONS): ''' Saves an object in a compressed HDF5 file. ''' # This is not a secure way to write and read from a tempfile. # But due to h5py's limitations I did not find a better way. tmppath = tempfile.mktemp() _save(val, tmppath, options) with open(tmppath, 'rb') as f: with lzma.LZMAFile(path, 'w') as zf: zf.write( os.remove(tmppath) def _save(val, path, options=options.DEFAULT_OPTIONS): ''' Saves an object in an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- val : object Any Python value that is made up of storeable instances. Those are built-in types, numpy datatypes and types with custom handlers. path : str or Path instance Save path of the HDF5 file. Existing files will be overwritten! options : HDF5Options instance The HDF5 options that will be used for saving. Defaults to the global options instance `DEFAULT_OPTIONS`. ''' with h5py.File(path, 'w', libver=options.libver, driver=options.driver, **options.kwds) as f: f.attrs['__version__'] = VERSION handlers.save_to_level(val, f, options, name=None) def _load(path, obj=None): ret = None with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f: if '__version__' not in f.attrs: raise ValueError('File `%s` is not a valid serialized file.' % path) if f.attrs['__version__'] != VERSION: raise ValueError('File `%s` was created with a different version.' % path) # special case: A single dataset stored at the top-level file group. # In this case there is no '__class__'-attribute and we call the # load function directly on this single dataset. keys = list(f.keys()) if len(keys) == 1: ds = f[keys[0]] if isinstance(ds, h5py.Dataset): ret = handlers.load_from_level(ds, obj=obj) # General case: recursively load the object structure from the file # starting with the root group. if ret is None: ret = handlers.load_from_level(f, obj=obj) return ret def _loadz(path, obj=None): tmppath = tempfile.mktemp() with open(tmppath, 'wb') as f: with lzma.LZMAFile(path, 'r') as zf: f.write( ret = load(tmppath, obj=obj) os.remove(tmppath) return ret
[docs]def load(path, obj=None, archive=None): ''' Reads a possibly compressed HDF5 file. If archive is ``None`` it is retrieved with python-magic. ''' if archive is None: if magic is None: archive = False # simply assume non-compressed file - may fail else: mime = magic.from_file(str(path)) archive = (mime == 'XZ compressed data') if archive: return _loadz(path, obj=obj) return _load(path, obj=obj)
class IOHandler(handlers.InstanceHandler): level_type = 'group' instances = [] # instances are filled by MetaIO def save(cls, val, level, options, name): attrs = val.to_dict() for key, value in attrs.items(): handlers.save_to_level(value, level, options, key) def load_from_level(cls, level, obj=None): attrs = handlers.DictHandler.load_from_level(level) if obj is None: # call from_dict on class t = cls.get_type(level) return t.from_dict(attrs) # else call update_from_dict on object obj.update_from_dict(attrs) class MetaIO(type): ''' All sub-classes of IO are automatically registered with the default IOHandler. This allows easy storage by simply subclassing IO. ''' def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs): newclass = super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs) IOHandler.register(newclass) return newclass
[docs]class IO(metaclass=MetaIO): """ Provides an interface for saving to and loading from a HDF5 file. This class can be mixed-in to easily add persistence to your existing Python classes. By default all attributes of an object will be stored. Upon loading these attributes will be loaded and `__init__` will *not* be called. Often a better way is to store only the necessary attributes by giving a list of attribute names in the private attribute `_io_store`. Then you have to overwrite the `_post_init()` method that initializes your object from these stored attributes. It is usually also be called at the end of the original `__init__` and should not mean extra effort. Lastly, you can simply overwrite `load_from_dict` to implement a completely custom loader. """ # A list of attribute names that are not stored _io_store_not = [] # None or a list of attribute names that are stored exclusively. _io_store = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): self = super(IO, cls).__new__(cls) return self
[docs] def save(self, path, archive=False, options=options.DEFAULT_OPTIONS): save(self, path, archive=archive, options=options)
[docs] def save_to_group(self, g, name): handlers.save_to_level(self, g, self._io_options, name)
[docs] def to_dict(self): # local rename io_store = self._io_store io_store_not = self._io_store_not cls = self.__class__ # make sure that _io_store and _io_store are stored if they differ from # the class defaults if io_store is not None: if (io_store != cls._io_store and '_io_store' not in io_store): io_store = io_store + ['_io_store'] # make copy if (io_store_not != cls._io_store_not and '_io_store_not' not in io_store): io_store = io_store + ['_io_store_not'] # make copy # actually store the attributes attrs = dict() for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if io_store is not None: if key not in io_store: continue elif (key in io_store_not or key[:2] == '__' or isinstance(value, types.MethodType)): continue attrs[key] = value return attrs
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path): ret = load(path) if not isinstance(ret, cls): raise ValueError('File does not store instance of class ' '`%s` but of `%s`.' % (str(type(ret)), str(cls))) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_group(cls, group): ret = handlers.load_from_level(group) if not isinstance(ret, cls): raise ValueError('Group does not store instance of class ' '`%s` but of `%s`.' % (str(type(ret)), str(cls))) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, attrs): obj = cls.__new__(cls) obj.update_from_dict(attrs) return obj
[docs] def update_from_dict(self, attrs): for key, value in attrs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) self._post_init()
def _post_init(self): """ Hook to initialize an object from storage. """ pass def _add_to_storage(self, key): if self._io_store is None: self._io_store = [] self._io_store.append(key)
[docs] def update_from_group(self, group): handlers.load_from_level(group, obj=self)
[docs] def update(self, path): load(path, obj=self)