Source code for pypret.lib

""" Miscellaneous helper functions

These functions fulfill small numerical tasks used in several places in the
import numpy as np
# make numba jit an optional dependence
# see
    from numba import jit
except ImportError:
[docs] def jit(pyfunc=None, **kwargs): def wrap(func): return func if pyfunc is not None: return wrap(pyfunc) else: return wrap
# Constants for convenience (not more accurate) # two pi twopi = 6.2831853071795862 # sqrt(2) sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730951 # speed of light sol = 299792458.0 # Constants that give slightly more accuracy (~1 ulp) # sqrt(2 * pi) sqrt2pi = 2.5066282746310007
[docs]def as_list(x): """ Try to convert argument to list and return it. Useful to implement function arguments that could be scalar values or lists. """ try: return list(x) except TypeError: return list([x])
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def abs2(x): """ Calculates the squared magnitude of a complex array. """ return x.real * x.real + x.imag * x.imag
[docs]def rms(x, y): """ Calculates the root mean square (rms) error between ``x`` and ``y``. """ return np.sqrt(abs2(x - y).mean())
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def norm2(x): """ Calculates the squared L2 or Euclidian norm of array ``x``. """ return abs2(x).sum()
[docs]@jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def norm(x): """ Calculates the L2 or Euclidian norm of array ``x``. """ return np.sqrt(abs2(x).sum())
[docs]def phase(x): """ The phase of a complex array.""" return np.unwrap(np.angle(x))
[docs]def nrms(x, y): """ Calculates the normalized rms error between ``x`` and ``y``. The convention for normalization varies. Here we use:: max |y| as normalization. """ n = np.abs(y).max() if n == 0.0: raise ValueError("Second array cannot be zero.") return rms(x, y) / n
[docs]def mean(x, y): """ Calculates the mean of the distribution described by (x, y). """ return np.sum(x * y) / np.sum(y)
[docs]def variance(x, y): """ Calculates the variance of the distribution described by (x, y). """ dx = x - mean(x, y) return np.sum(dx * dx * y) / np.sum(y)
[docs]def standard_deviation(x, y): """ Calculates the standard deviation of the distribution described by (x, y). """ return np.sqrt(variance(x, y))
[docs]def gaussian(x, x0=0.0, sigma=1.0): """ Calculates a Gaussian function with center ``x0`` and standard deviation ``sigma``. """ d = (x - x0) / sigma return np.exp(-0.5 * d * d)
[docs]def rescale(x, window=[0.0, 1.0]): """ Rescales a numpy array to the range specified by ``window``. Default is [0, 1]. """ maxx = np.max(x) minx = np.min(x) return (x - minx) / (maxx - minx) * (window[1] - window[0]) + window[0]
[docs]def marginals(data, normalize=False, axes=None): """ Calculates the marginals of the data array. axes specifies the axes of the marginals, e.g., the axes on which the sum is projected. If axis is None a list of all marginals is returned. """ if axes is None: axes = range(data.ndim) axes = as_list(axes) full_axes = list(range(data.ndim)) m = [] for i in axes: # for the marginal sum over all axes except the specified one margin_axes = tuple(j for j in full_axes if j != i) m.append(np.sum(data, axis=margin_axes)) if normalize: m = [rescale(mx) for mx in m] return tuple(m) if len(m) != 1 else m[0]
[docs]def find(x, condition, n=1): """ Return the index of the nth element that fulfills the condition. """ search_n = 1 for i in range(len(x)): if condition(x[i]): if search_n == n: return i search_n += 1 return -1
[docs]def best_scale(E, E0): """ Scales rho so that:: sum (rho * |E| - |E0|)^2 is minimal. """ Eabs, E0abs = np.abs(E), np.abs(E0) return np.sum(Eabs * E0abs) / np.sum(Eabs * Eabs)
[docs]def arglimit(y, threshold=1e-3, padding=0.0, normalize=True): """ Returns the first and last index where `y >= threshold * max(abs(y))`. """ t = np.abs(y) if normalize: t /= np.max(t) idx1 = find(t, lambda x: x >= threshold) if idx1 == -1: idx1 = 0 idx2 = find(t[::-1], lambda x: x >= threshold) if idx2 == -1: idx2 = t.shape[0] - 1 else: idx2 = t.shape[0] - 1 - idx2 return (idx1, idx2)
[docs]def limit(x, y=None, threshold=1e-3, padding=0.25, extend=True): """ Returns the maximum x-range where the y-values are sufficiently large. Parameters ---------- x : array_like The x values of the graph. y : array_like, optional The y values of the graph. If `None` the maximum range of `x` is used. That is only useful if `padding > 0`. threshold : float The threshold relative to the maximum of `y` of values that should be included in the bracket. padding : float The relative padding on each side in fractions of the bracket size. extend : bool, optional Signals if the returned range can be larger than the values in ``x``. Default is `True`. Returns ------- xl, xr : float Lowest and biggest value of the range. """ if y is None: x1, x2 = np.min(x), np.max(x) if not extend: return (x1, x2) else: idx1, idx2 = arglimit(y, threshold=threshold) x1, x2 = sorted([x[idx1], x[idx2]]) # calculate the padding if padding != 0.0: pad = (x2 - x1) * padding x1 -= pad x2 += pad if not extend: x1 = max(x1, np.min(x)) x2 = min(x2, np.max(x)) return (x1, x2)
[docs]def fwhm(x, y): """ Calculates the full width at half maximum of the distribution described by (x, y). """ xl, xr = limit(x, y, threshold=0.5, padding=0.0) return np.abs(xr - xl)
[docs]def edges(x): """ Calculates the edges of the array elements. Assuming that the input array contains the midpoints of a supposed data set, the function returns the (N+1) edges of the data set points. """ diff = np.diff(x) reverse = False if np.any(np.sign(diff) != np.sign(diff[0])): raise ValueError("Input array must be sorted") elif diff[0] < 0.0: x = x[::-1] reverse = True result = np.concatenate(( [1.5 * x[0] - 0.5 * x[1]], 0.5 * (x[1:] + x[:-1]), [1.5 * x[-1] - 0.5 * x[-2]] )) if reverse: result = result[::-1] return result
[docs]def build_coords(*axes): """ Builds a coordinate array from the axes. """ AXES = np.meshgrid(*axes, indexing='ij') return np.stack(AXES, axis=-1)
[docs]def mask_phase(x, amp, phase, threshold=1e-3): mask = (amp / np.max(amp) < threshold) blank_phase =, mask=mask) blank_x =, mask=mask) return blank_x, blank_phase
[docs]def retrieval_report(res): """ Simple helper that prints out important information from the retrieval result object. """ print("Retrieval report") print("trace error".ljust(15) + "R = %.17e".rjust(25) % res.trace_error) if hasattr(res, "trace_error_optimal"): print("min. trace error".ljust(15) + "R0 = %.17e".rjust(25) % res.trace_error_optimal) print("".ljust(15) + "R - R0 = %.17e".rjust(25) % (res.trace_error - res.trace_error_optimal)) print() print("pulse error".ljust(15) + "ε = %.17e".rjust(25) % res.pulse_error)