Source code for pypret.pnps

""" This module provides classes to calculate parametrized nonlinear process
spectra (PNPS), such as frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG),
interferometric FROG (iFROG), dispersion scan (d-scan), time-domain
ptychography (TDP) and pulse-shaper assisted methods such as multiphoton
intrapulse interference phase scan (MIIPS).

The code follows the notation used in [Geib2019]_ and its supplement.

Currently only the abovementioned methods are implemented. But the code is
written in such way that including new pulse measurement methods is very easy.
If it is a method using a collinear nonlinearity, subclass from
`CollinearPNPS`, otherwise from `NoncollinearPNPS`.

In the collinear case only `self.mask(parameter)` has to be implemented which
calculates the used linear parametrization operator. In the non-collinear
case the function `_calculate` has to be implemented which calculates and
returns the PNPS trace ``T_mn`` and the PNPS signal ``S_mk``.
import numpy as np
from . import lib
from . import io
from .mesh_data import MeshData
from .frequencies import convert
from .pulse import Pulse

# global dictionary that contains all PNPS classes

# =============================================================================
# Metaclass and factory
# =============================================================================
class MetaPNPS(type):
    """ Metaclass that registers PNPS classes in a global dictionary.
    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs):
        global _PNPS_CLASSES
        newclass = super().__new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs)
        processes, method = newclass._supported_processes, newclass.method
        if processes is None or method is None:
            return newclass
        # register the PNPS method name, e.g., FROG or MIIPS
        if method not in _PNPS_CLASSES:
            _PNPS_CLASSES[method] = {}
        dct = _PNPS_CLASSES[method]
        if isinstance(processes, str):
            processes = [processes]
        for p in processes:
            if p in dct:
                raise ValueError("%s-%s has two implementing classes!" %
                                 (p, method))
            dct[p] = newclass
        return newclass

class MetaIOPNPS(io.MetaIO, MetaPNPS):
    # to fix metaclass conflicts

# =============================================================================
# PNPS Base class
# =============================================================================
[docs]class BasePNPS(io.IO, metaclass=MetaIOPNPS): """ The PNPS base class """ process = None method = None _supported_processes = None parameter_name = "" parameter_unit = "" # io parameters _io_store = ['ft', 'w0', 'w', 'process']
[docs] def __init__(self, pulse, process, **kwargs): self.ft = pulse.ft self.w0 = pulse.w0 self.w = pulse.w self.process = process # put the keyword arguments in the local keyspace and add them # to the storage list. for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) self._add_to_storage(key) # add the parameter name to storage if self.parameter_name != "": self._add_to_storage(self.parameter_name) self._post_init()
def _post_init(self): if (self._supported_processes is not None and self.process not in self._supported_processes): raise ValueError("Nonlinear process `%s` is not supported." % self.process) # calculate the fundamental wavelength self.wl = convert(self.w + self.w0, "om", "wl") # calculate the wavelength of the process spectrum if self.process == "shg": self.process_w = 2 * self.w0 + self.ft.w elif self.process == "thg": self.process_w = 3 * self.w0 + self.ft.w elif self.process == "sd": self.process_w = self.w0 + self.ft.w elif self.process == "pg": self.process_w = self.w0 + self.ft.w self.process_wl = convert(self.process_w, "om", "wl") # store intermediate results in a dictionary self._tmp = dict() @property def scheme(self): return self.process + "-" + self.method
[docs] def measure(self, Sk): """ Simulates the measurement process. Note that we deal with the spectrum over the frequency! For retrieving from actual data we need to rescale this by lambda^2. """ Sn = self.ft.forward(Sk) return lib.abs2(Sn)
[docs] def calculate(self, spectrum, parameter): """ Calculates the PNPS signal S_mk and the PNPS trace T_mn. Parameters ---------- spectrum : 1d-array The pulse spectrum for which the PNPS trace is calculated. parameter : scalar or 1d-array The PNPS parameter (array) for which the PNPS trace is calculated. Returns ------- 1d- or 2d-array Returns the calculated PNPS trace over the frequency ``self.process_w``. If parameter was a scalar a 1d-array is returned. If it was a 1d-array a 2d-array is returned where the parameter runs along the first axis and the frequency along the second. """ parameter = np.atleast_1d(parameter) Tmn = np.zeros((parameter.size, spectrum.size)) Smk = np.zeros((parameter.size, spectrum.size), dtype=np.complex128) for m, p in enumerate(parameter): Tmn[m, :], Smk[m, :] = self._calculate(spectrum, p) # if a scalar parameter was used, squeeze out one dimension Tmn = Tmn.squeeze() Smk = Smk.squeeze() # store for later use (in self.trace) self.Tmn = Tmn self.Smk = Smk self.parameter = parameter self.spectrum = spectrum return Tmn
[docs] def intermediate(self, parameter): """ Returns intermediate results as stored by the instance. """ parameter = np.atleast_1d(parameter) tup = self._tmp[parameter[0]] for i, p in enumerate(parameter): tup = self._tmp[p] if i == 0: res = [np.zeros((parameter.shape[0], t.size), dtype=t.dtype) for t in tup] for j, r in enumerate(res): r[i, :] = tup[j] return (r.squeeze() for r in res)
[docs] def gradient(self, Smk2, parameter): """ Calculates the gradient ∇_n Z_m. """ parameter = np.atleast_1d(parameter) Smk2 = np.atleast_2d(Smk2) gradnZm = np.zeros((parameter.shape[0], Smk2.shape[1]), dtype=np.complex128) for m, p in enumerate(parameter.flat): gradnZm[m, :] = self._gradient(Smk2[m, :], p) # if a scalar parameter is passed, squeeze out one dimension return gradnZm.squeeze()
@property def trace(self): """ Returns the last calculated trace as a MeshData object. """ return MeshData(self.Tmn, self.parameter, self.process_w, labels=[self.parameter_name, "frequency"], units=[self.parameter_unit, "Hz"])
# ============================================================================= # Collinear PNPS methods # =============================================================================
[docs]class CollinearPNPS(BasePNPS): """ Implements collinear methods: d-scan, iFROG, etc. """ _supported_processes = ["shg", "thg", "sd"] def _get_tmp(self, parameter): if parameter in self._tmp: return self._tmp[parameter] N = self.ft.N Hn = self.mask(parameter) Ck = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex128) Sk = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex128) Tn = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float64) self._tmp[parameter] = Hn, Ck, Sk, Tn return Hn, Ck, Sk, Tn def _calculate(self, spectrum, parameter): """ Calculates the nonlinear process spectrum for a single parameter. Follows the notation from our paper. """ ft = self.ft Hn, Ck, Sk, Tn = self._get_tmp(parameter) ft.backward(Hn * spectrum, out=Ck) if self.process == "shg": Sk[:] = Ck * Ck elif self.process == "thg": Sk[:] = Ck * Ck * Ck elif self.process == "sd": Sk[:] = lib.abs2(Ck) * Ck Tn[:] = self.measure(Sk) return Tn, Sk def _gradient(self, Sk2, parameter): """ Returns the gradient of Z based on the previous call to _spectrum. """ ft = self.ft # retrieve the intermediate results Hn, Ck, Sk, Tn = self._get_tmp(parameter) # difference between the updated PNPS signal and the original one dSk = Sk2 - Sk # calculate the gradients as described in the supplement if self.process == "shg": gradnZ = 2 * Hn.conj() * ft.forward(dSk * Ck.conj()) elif self.process == "thg": gradnZ = 3 * Hn.conj() * ft.forward(dSk * (Ck * Ck).conj()) elif self.process == "sd": gradnZ = Hn.conj() * ft.forward(dSk.conj() * Ck * Ck + 2 * dSk * lib.abs2(Ck)) # common scale for all gradients (note the minus) gradnZ *= -2.0 * lib.twopi * ft.dw / ft.dt return gradnZ
[docs]class MIIPS(CollinearPNPS): """ Implements the multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scan method (MIIPS) [Lozovoy2004]_ [Xu2006]_. """ method = "miips" parameter_name = "delta" parameter_unit = "rad"
[docs] def __init__(self, pulse, process, alpha, gamma): """ Creates the instance. Parameters ---------- pulse : Pulse instance The pulse object that defines the simulation grid. process : str The nonlinear process used in the PNPS method. alpha : float The amplitude of the phase pattern (in rad). gamma : float The frequency of the phase pattern in Hz. """ super().__init__(pulse, process, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma)
[docs] def mask(self, delta): w = self.ft.w + self.w0 return np.exp(1.0j * self.alpha * np.cos(self.gamma * w - delta))
[docs]class IFROG(CollinearPNPS): """ Implements the interferometric frequency-resolved optical gating method [1]_. .. [1] G. Stibenz and G. Steinmeyer, "Interferometric frequency-resolved optical gating," Opt. Express 13, 2617-2626 (OSA, 2005). """ method = "ifrog" parameter_name = "tau" parameter_unit = "s"
[docs] def __init__(self, pulse, process): """ Creates the instance. Parameters ---------- pulse : Pulse instance The pulse object that defines the simulation grid. process : str The nonlinear process used in the PNPS method. """ super().__init__(pulse, process)
[docs] def mask(self, tau): w = self.ft.w + self.w0 return 0.5 + 0.5 * np.exp(-1.0j * w * tau)
[docs]class DSCAN(CollinearPNPS): """ Implements the dispersion scan method [Miranda2012a]_ [Miranda2012b]_. Not implemented in the public version of the code. Please contact us if you want to use pypret for d-scan measurements. """ method = "dscan" parameter_name = "insertion" parameter_unit = "m"
[docs] def __init__(self, pulse, process, material): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented in public version of the " "code.")
# ============================================================================= # Noncollinear PNPS methods # =============================================================================
[docs]class NoncollinearPNPS(BasePNPS): """ Implements non-collinear methods: FROG, TDP, etc. """ pass
[docs]class FROG(NoncollinearPNPS): """ Implements frequency-resolved optical gating [Kane1993]_ [Trebino2000]_. """ _supported_processes = ["shg", "pg"] method = "frog" parameter_name = "delay" parameter_unit = "s"
[docs] def __init__(self, pulse, process): """ Creates the instance. Parameters ---------- pulse : Pulse instance The pulse object that defines the simulation grid. process : str The nonlinear process used in the PNPS method. """ super().__init__(pulse, process)
def _get_tmp(self, parameter): if parameter in self._tmp: return self._tmp[parameter] delay = np.exp(1.0j * parameter * self.ft.w) N = self.ft.N Ak = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex128) Ek = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex128) Sk = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex128) Tn = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float64) self._tmp[parameter] = delay, Ak, Ek, Sk, Tn return delay, Ak, Ek, Sk, Tn def _calculate(self, spectrum, parameter): """ Calculates the nonlinear process spectrum for a single parameter. Follows the notation from our paper. """ ft = self.ft delay, Ak, Ek, Sk, Tn = self._get_tmp(parameter) ft.backward(delay * spectrum, out=Ak) ft.backward(spectrum, out=Ek) if self.process == "shg": Sk[:] = Ak * Ek elif self.process == "pg": Sk[:] = lib.abs2(Ak) * Ek Tn[:] = self.measure(Sk) return Tn, Sk def _gradient(self, Sk2, parameter): """ Returns the gradient of Z based on the previous call to _spectrum. """ ft = self.ft # retrieve the intermediate results delay, Ak, Ek, Sk, Tn = self._tmp[parameter] # difference between original and updated PNPS signal dSk = Sk2 - Sk # calculate the gradients as described in the supplement if self.process == "shg": gradnZ = (delay.conj() * ft.forward(dSk * Ek.conj()) + ft.forward(dSk * Ak.conj())) elif self.process == "pg": gradnZ = (2 * delay.conj() * ft.forward(Ak * np.real(dSk * Ek.conj())) + ft.forward(dSk * lib.abs2(Ak))) # common scale for all gradients (note the minus) gradnZ *= -2.0 * lib.twopi * ft.dw / ft.dt return gradnZ
[docs]class TDP(NoncollinearPNPS): """ Implements a variant of time-domain ptychography. This version is self-referenced and works like FROG except that in one arm of the correlator the bandwidth of the pulse is heavily filtered [Witting2016]_. Other variants are not directly supported by this class. """ _supported_processes = ["shg"] method = "tdp" parameter_name = "delay" parameter_unit = "s"
[docs] def __init__(self, pulse, process, center, width): """ Creates the instance. Parameters ---------- pulse : Pulse instance The pulse object that defines the simulation grid. process : str The nonlinear process used in the PNPS method. center : float The center wavelength of the bandwidth filter in m. width : float The width (FWHM) of the bandwidth filter in m. """ super().__init__(pulse, process, center=center, width=width)
def _get_tmp(self, parameter): if parameter in self._tmp: return self._tmp[parameter] # convert intensity fwhm to amplitude std deviation sigma = 0.5 * self.width / np.sqrt(np.log(2)) delay = (np.exp(1.0j * parameter * self.ft.w) * lib.gaussian(self.wl,, sigma=sigma)) N = self.ft.N Ak = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex128) Ek = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex128) Sk = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.complex128) Tn = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float64) self._tmp[parameter] = delay, Ak, Ek, Sk, Tn return delay, Ak, Ek, Sk, Tn def _calculate(self, spectrum, parameter): """ Calculates the nonlinear process spectrum for a single parameter. Follows the notation from our paper. """ ft = self.ft delay, Ak, Ek, Sk, Tn = self._get_tmp(parameter) ft.backward(delay * spectrum, out=Ak) ft.backward(spectrum, out=Ek) Sk[:] = Ak * Ek Tn[:] = self.measure(Sk) return Tn, Sk def _gradient(self, Sk2, parameter): """ Returns the gradient of Z based on the previous call to _spectrum. """ ft = self.ft # retrieve the intermediate results delay, Ak, Ek, Sk, Tn = self._tmp[parameter] # difference between original and updated PNPS signal dSk = Sk2 - Sk # calculate the gradients as described in the supplement gradnZ = (delay.conj() * ft.forward(dSk * Ek.conj()) + ft.forward(dSk * Ak.conj())) # common scale for all gradients (note the minus) gradnZ *= -2.0 * lib.twopi * ft.dw / ft.dt return gradnZ
# ============================================================================= # Factory method # =============================================================================
[docs]def PNPS(pulse: Pulse, method: str, process: str, **kwargs) -> BasePNPS: """ Creates a PNPS instance. Parameters ---------- pulse : Pulse A pulse instance that is used to simulate the PNPS trace. method : str The type of PNPS measurement. Should be one of - 'frog' :class:`(see here) <pypret.pnps.FROG>` - 'tdp' :class:`(see here) <pypret.pnps.TDP>` - 'dscan' :class:`(see here) <pypret.pnps.DSCAN>` - 'miips' :class:`(see here) <pypret.pnps.MIIPS>` - 'ifrog' :class:`(see here) <pypret.pnps.IFROG>` process : str The nonlinear process used in the measurement method. Can be one of - 'shg' : second harmonic generation - 'thg' : third harmonic generation - 'sd' : self-diffraction - 'pg' : polarization gating Not all methods support all nonlinear processes. In that case a ValueError will be raised. Additional parameters are described in the documentation of the specific PNPS methods. """ method = method.lower() process = process.lower() try: cls = _PNPS_CLASSES[method][process] except KeyError: raise ValueError("PNPS method '%s-%s' is unknown!" % (process, method)) return cls(pulse, process=process, **kwargs)