Source code for pypret.pulse

""" Provides a class to simulate an ultrashort optical pulse using its envelope

The temporal envelope is denoted as `field` and the spectral envelope as
`spectrum` in the code and the function signatures.
import numpy as np
from . import io
from . import lib
from .frequencies import convert
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar, root_scalar

[docs]class Pulse(io.IO): """ A class for modelling femtosecond pulses by their envelope. """ _io_store = ['ft', 'wl0', '_field', '_spectrum']
[docs] def __init__(self, ft, wl0, unit='wl'): """ Initializes an optical pulse described by its envelope. Parameters ---------- ft : FourierTransform A ``FourierTransform`` instance that specifies a temporal and spectral grid. wl0 : float The center frequency of the pulse. unit : str The unit in which the center frequency is specified. Can be either of ``wl``, ``om``, ``f``, or ``k``. See ``frequencies`` for more information. Default is ``wl``. """ self.ft = ft self.wl0 = convert(wl0, unit, 'wl') self._field = np.zeros(ft.N, dtype=np.complex128) self._spectrum = np.zeros(ft.N, dtype=np.complex128) self._post_init()
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of the pulse object. Note that they still reference the same `FourierTransform` instance, which is assumed to be immutable. """ p = Pulse(self.ft, self.wl0) p.spectrum = self.spectrum return p
def _post_init(self): ft = self.ft self.t = ft.t self.w = ft.w self.dt = ft.dt self.dw = ft.dw self.N = ft.N self.w0 = convert(self.wl0, 'wl', 'om') self.wl = convert(self.w + self.w0, 'om', 'wl') @property def field(self): """ The complex-valued temporal envelope of the pulse. On read access returns a copy of the internal array. On write access the spectral envelope is automatically updated. """ return self._field.copy() @field.setter def field(self, val): self._field[:] = val self.update_spectrum()
[docs] def field_at(self, t): """ The complex-valued temporal envelope of the pulse at the times `t`. """ return self.ft.backward_at(self._spectrum, t)
@property def spectrum(self): """ The complex-valued spectral envelope of the pulse. On read access returns a copy of the internal array. On write access the temporal envelope is automatically updated. """ return self._spectrum.copy() @spectrum.setter def spectrum(self, val): self._spectrum[:] = val self.update_field()
[docs] def spectrum_at(self, w): """ The complex-valued spectral envelope of the pulse at the frequencies `w`. """ return self.ft.forward_at(self._field, w)
[docs] def update_field(self): """ Manually updates the field from the (modified) spectrum. """ self.ft.backward(self._spectrum, out=self._field)
[docs] def update_spectrum(self): """ Manually updates the spectrum from the (modified) field. """ self.ft.forward(self._field, out=self._spectrum)
@property def intensity(self): """ The temporal intensity profile of the pulse in vacuum. Only read access. """ return lib.abs2(self._field) @property def amplitude(self): """ The temporal amplitude profile of the pulse in vacuum. Only read access. """ return self._field.abs() @property def phase(self): """ The temporal phase of the pulse. Only read access. """ return lib.phase(self._field) @property def spectral_intensity(self): """ The spectral intensity profile of the pulse in vacuum. Only read access. """ return lib.abs2(self._spectrum) @property def spectral_amplitude(self): """ The spectral amplitude profile of the pulse in vacuum. Only read access. """ return self._spectrum.abs() @property def spectral_phase(self): """ The spectral phase of the pulse. Only read access. """ return lib.phase(self._spectrum) @property def time_bandwidth_product(self): """ Calculates the rms time-bandwidth product of the pulse. In this definition a transform-limited Gaussian pulse has a time-bandwidth product of 0.5. So the number returned by this function will always be >= 0.5. """ return (lib.standard_deviation(self.t, self.intensity) * lib.standard_deviation(self.w, self.spectral_intensity))
[docs] def fwhm(self, dt=None): """ Calculates the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the temporal intensity profile. Parameters ---------- dt : float or None, optional Specifies the required accuracy of the calculation. If `None` (the default) it is only as good as the spacing of the underlying simulation grid - which can be quite coarse compared to the FWHM. If smaller it is calculated based on trigonometric interpolation. """ t, intensity = self.t, self.intensity if dt is None or dt == self.dt: return lib.fwhm(t, intensity) # exact calculation def objective(tau): return lib.abs2(self.field_at(np.array([tau]))[0]) # determine the maximum accurately idx = np.argmax(intensity) res = minimize_scalar(lambda x: -objective(x), (t[idx] - self.dt, t[idx]), tol=dt / 100.0, method="brent") y0 = # determine the right and left sided intersection points idx1, idx2 = lib.arglimit(intensity, threshold=0.5 * y0, padding=0.0, normalize=False) # left side res = root_scalar(lambda x: objective(x) - 0.5 * y0, bracket=(t[idx1] - self.dt, t[idx1]), xtol=dt, method="brentq") xl = res.root # right side res = root_scalar(lambda x: objective(x) - 0.5 * y0, bracket=(t[idx2], t[idx2] + self.dt), xtol=dt, method="brentq") xr = res.root return xr - xl