Source code for pypret.pulse_error

""" This module implements testing procedures for retrieval algorithms.
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from . import lib

[docs]def pulse_error(E, E0, ft, dot_ambiguity=False, spectral_shift_ambiguity=False): ''' Calculates the normalized rms error between two pulse spectra while taking into account the retrieval ambiguities. One step in `optimal_rms_error` (the determination of the initial bracket) could probably be more efficient, see [Dorrer2002]_). We use the less elegant but maybe more straightforward way of simply sampling the range for a bracket that encloses a minimum. Parameters ---------- E, E0: 1d-array Complex-valued arrays that contain the spectra of the pulses. ``E`` will be matched against ``E0``. ft : FourierTransform instance Performs Fourier transforms on the pulse grid. dot_ambiguity : bool, optional Takes the direction of time ambiguity into account. Default is ``False``. spectral_shift_ambiguity : bool, optional Takes the spectral shift ambiguity into account. Default is ``False``. ''' test_fields = [[ft.w, E, E0]] if spectral_shift_ambiguity: # spectrally shift by exactly half the grid size Et = ft.backward(E) Et *= np.exp(0.5j * ft.N * ft.dw * ft.t) test_fields.append([ft.w, ft.forward(Et), E0]) if dot_ambiguity: max_iter = len(test_fields) for i in range(max_iter): tf = test_fields[i] test_fields.append([tf[0], tf[1].conj(), tf[2]]) best_error = np.inf for w, spec1, spec2 in test_fields: error, matched = optimal_rms_error(w, spec1, spec2) if error < best_error: best_error = error best_match = matched return best_error, best_match
[docs]def best_constant_phase(E, E0): """ Finds ``c`` with ``|c| = 1`` so that ``sum(abs2(c * y1 - y2))`` is minimal. Uses an analytic solution. """ A = np.sum(E.conj() * E0) c = A / np.abs(A) err1 = np.sum(lib.abs2(c * E - E0)) err2 = np.sum(lib.abs2(-c * E - E0)) if err2 < err1: c = -c return c
[docs]def optimal_rms_error(w, E, E0): """ Calculates the RMS error of two arrays, ignoring scaling, constant and linear phase of one of them. Formally it calculates the minimal error:: R = sqrt(|rho * exp(i*(x*a + b)) * y1 - y2|^2 / |y2|^2) with respect to rho, a and b. If additionally ``conjugation = True`` then the error for conjugate(y1) is calculated and the best transformation of y1 is also returned. """ # E is rescaled so that the amplitudes match in the least-squares sense E = E * lib.best_scale(E, E0) # find optimal linear and constant phase # determine the frequency spacing dw = np.max(np.abs(np.diff(w))) # rescale the objective function to make it easier for the optimizer scale = 1.0 / np.sqrt(np.sum(lib.abs2(E0)) * E.shape[0]) def objective(alpha): linear = np.exp(1.0j * alpha / dw * w) phase0 = best_constant_phase(linear * E, E0) cresiduals = (phase0 * linear * E - E0) * scale return lib.norm2(cresiduals) # find an initial bracket alphas = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 2 * E.shape[0]) err = np.array([objective(a) for a in alphas]) idx = np.argmin(err) bracket = [ alphas[max(0, idx - 1)], alphas[min(alphas.shape[0] - 1, idx + 1)] ] # run a bounded optimization on that bracket to obtain high precision res = optimize.minimize_scalar( objective, bounds=bracket, method='bounded', options=dict(maxiter=100, xatol=1e-10) ) linear = np.exp(1.0j * res.x / dw * w) phase0 = best_constant_phase(linear * E, E0) E = phase0 * linear * E return lib.nrms(E, E0), E