Source code for pypret.random_pulse

""" Provides a function to generate random pulses with specified TBP.
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
from . import lib

[docs]def random_pulse(pulse, tbp, edge_value=None, check=True): """ Creates a random pulse with a specified time-bandwidth product. Parameters ---------- pulse : Pulse instance tbp : float The specified time-bandwidth product. edge_value : float, optional The maximal value for the pulse amplitude at the edges of the grid. It defaults to the double value epsilon ~2e-16. Returns ------- bool : True on success, False if an error occured. The resulting pulse is stored in the Pulse instance passed to the function. Notes ----- The function creates random pulses by iteratively restricting the bandwidth in time and frequency domain. It starts from random complex values in frequency domain, multiplies a Gaussian function, transforms in the time domain and multiplies a Gaussian function again. The filter functions are Gaussians with the specified time-bandwidth product. The TBP of the Gaussian filters, however, does not directly correspond to the TBP of the resulting pulse. To use this algorithm to generate a pulse with exactly the specified TBP, it is run in the range 0.5 * TBP to 1.5 * TBP using a scalar root search (brentq). Usually this guarantees convergence within a few tries. The larger the TBP the larger the number of points has to be. So the algorithm may fail to find a solution if pulse.N is too small. """ if edge_value is None: # this is roughly the roundoff error induced by an FFT edge_value = pulse.N * np.finfo(np.double).eps # access/calculate some fundamental grid parameters t, w = pulse.t, pulse.w t1, t2 = t[0], t[-1] w1, w2 = w[0], w[-1] t0, w0 = 0.5 * (t1 + t2), 0.5 * (w1 + w2) log_edge = np.log(edge_value) """ Calculate the width of a Gaussian function that drops exactly to edge_value at the edges of the grid. """ spectral_width = np.sqrt(-0.125 * (w1 - w2)**2 / log_edge) # Now the same in the temporal domain max_temporal_width = np.sqrt(-0.125 * (t1 - t2)**2 / log_edge) # The actual temporal width is obtained by the uncertainty relation # from the specified TBP temporal_width = 2.0 * tbp / spectral_width if temporal_width > max_temporal_width: print("The required time-bandwidth product cannot be reached! " "Decrease edge_value or increase pulse.N!") return False # special case for TBP = 0.5 (transform-limited case) if tbp == 0.5: phase = np.exp(1.0j * lib.twopi * np.random.rand(pulse.N)) pulse.spectrum = lib.gaussian(w, w0, spectral_width) * phase return True # create the filter functions, the scaling by the number of rounds is # purely a heuristic spectral_filter = lib.gaussian(w, w0, spectral_width) """ The algorithm works by iteratively filtering in the frequency and time domain. However, the chosen filter functions only roughly give the correct TBP. To obtain the exact result we scale the temporal filter bandwidth by a factor and perform a scalar minimization on that value. """ spectrum = (np.random.rand(pulse.N) * np.exp(1j * lib.twopi * np.random.rand(pulse.N))) # rough guess for the relative range in which our optimal value lies factor_min, factor_max = 0.5, 1.5 def create_pulse(factor): """ This performs the filtering. """ temporal_filter = lib.gaussian(t, t0, temporal_width * factor) pulse.spectrum = spectrum * spectral_filter pulse.field = pulse.field * temporal_filter def objective(factor): """ This function should be zero """ create_pulse(factor) return tbp - pulse.time_bandwidth_product # The objective function has to change sign in the bounds we chose i = 0 while np.sign(objective(factor_min)) == np.sign(objective(factor_max)): # for some random arrays this condition is not always fulfilled. # just try again spectrum = (np.random.rand(pulse.N) * np.exp(1j * lib.twopi * np.random.rand(pulse.N))) if i == 10: # I have never observed this case. raise ValueError('Could not create a pulse for these parameters!') # actually perform the optimization factor = opt.brentq(objective, factor_min, factor_max) # and finally create the pulse create_pulse(factor) # The random pulse is stored in pulse return True
[docs]def random_gaussian(pulse, fwhm, phase_max=0.1 * np.pi): """ Generates a Gaussian pulse with random phase. Its pulse of duration is given by ``fwhm``. """ # convert intensity fwhm to field std-dev. sigma = 0.5 * fwhm / np.sqrt(np.log(2.0)) phase = np.exp(1.0j * np.random.uniform(-phase_max, phase_max, pulse.N)) pulse.field = lib.gaussian(pulse.t, sigma=sigma) * phase return True