Source code for pypret.retrieval.nlo_retriever

""" This module implements retrieval algorithms based on general
nonlinear optimization algorithms such as Levenberg-Marquadt,
differential evolution, or Nelder-Mead.
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from .retriever import BaseRetriever

class NLORetriever(BaseRetriever):

    def _scalar_objective(self, x):
        # rename
        rs = self._retrieval_state
        log = self.log
        # calculate trace error
        En = x.view(np.complex128)
        r = self._objective_function(En)
        R = self._Rr(r)
        # printing and logging
        if rs.nfev % 100 == 0 and self.verbose:
            print(rs.nfev, R)
        if self.logging:
        rs.nfev += 1
        # normalize the error to avoid ill-scaling
        return r / self.Tmn_meas.max()**2

    def _vector_objective(self, x):
        # rename
        rs = self._retrieval_state
        log = self.log
        # calculate the error vector
        En = x.view(np.complex128)
        Tmn = self.pnps.calculate(En, self.parameter)
        diff = self._error_vector(Tmn, store=False)
        R = self._Rr(np.sum(diff * diff))
        # printing and logging
        if rs.nfev % 100 == 0 and self.verbose:
            print(rs.nfev, R)
        if self.logging:
        rs.nfev += 1
        # normalize the error vector to avoid ill-scaling
        return diff / np.sqrt(self.M * self.N) / self.Tmn_meas.max()

    def _retrieve_begin(self, measurement, initial_guess, weights):
        super()._retrieve_begin(measurement, initial_guess, weights)
        rs = self._retrieval_state
        rs.nfev = 0

    def _retrieve_end(self):
        self._result.nfev = self._retrieval_state.nfev

    def result(self, pulse_original=None, full=True):
        res = super().result(pulse_original=pulse_original, full=full)
        res.nfev = self._retrieval_state.nfev
        return res

[docs]class LMRetriever(NLORetriever): """ Implements pulse retrieval based on the Levenberg-Marquadt algorithm. This is an efficient nonlinear least-squares solver, however, it will still be *very* slow for large pulses (N > 256). The reason is that the (MN x N) Jacobian is evaluated using numerical differentiation. The recommendation is to use this method either on small problems or to refine or verify solutions provided by a different algorithm. """ method = "lm"
[docs] def __init__(self, pnps, ftol=1e-08, xtol=1e-08, gtol=1e-08, lm_verbose=0, **kwargs): """ For a full documentation of the arguments see :class:`Retriever`. For the documentation of `ftol`, `xtol`, `gtol` see the documentation of :func:`scipy.optimize.least_squares`. They are passed directly to the optimizer. If you want to run the optimizer for a fixed number of iterations, set all values to 1e-14 to effectively disable the stopping criteria. """ super().__init__(pnps, ftol=ftol, xtol=xtol, gtol=gtol, lm_verbose=lm_verbose, **kwargs)
def _retrieve(self): # local rename o = self.options res = self._result # store current guess in attribute spectrum = self.initial_guess.copy() # This algorithm is not robust against the scaling of the input vector! spectrum /= np.abs(spectrum).max() x0 = spectrum.view(np.float64).copy() # calculate the maximum number of function evaluations max_nfev = None if o.maxfev is not None: max_nfev = o.maxfev // x0.shape[0] optres = optimize.least_squares( self._vector_objective, x0, method='trf', jac='2-point', max_nfev=max_nfev, tr_solver='exact', ftol=o.ftol, gtol=o.gtol, xtol=o.xtol, verbose=o.lm_verbose ) res.approximate_error = False res.spectrum = optres.x.view(dtype=np.complex128) res.trace_error = self.trace_error(res.spectrum) res.approximate_error = False return res.spectrum
[docs]class DERetriever(NLORetriever): """ This retriever uses the gradient-free differential evolution algorithm. It tries to match the parameters described in [Escoto2018]_ as far as they are mentioned. No further effort was made to optimize them. If you are interested in using DE as a pulse retrieval algorithm you are advised to study the documentation at :func:`scipy.optimize.differential_evolution`. The initial population in our implementation is based on the provided guess with added complex, Gaussian noise of 5% of the maximum amplitude. In our tests we saw no convergence when starting from completely random initial guesses. """ method = "de" def _retrieve(self): # local rename o = self.options res = self._result # calculate the maximum number of function evaluations max_nfev = None if o.maxfev is not None: max_nfev = int(round(o.maxfev / 10 - 1)) # generate initial population init = [self.initial_guess.view(np.float64).copy()] amp = np.abs(self.initial_guess).max() for i in range(9): sol = (self.initial_guess + 0.05 * amp * np.random.normal(size=self.N) + 0.05j * amp * np.random.normal(size=self.N)) init.append(sol.view(np.float64)) optres = optimize.differential_evolution( self._scalar_objective, [(-1.0, 1.0) for i in range(2 * self.N)], strategy='rand1bin', maxiter=max_nfev, recombination=0.5, popsize=10, # is overwritten by init tol=1e-7, polish=False, init=np.array(init) ) res.approximate_error = False res.spectrum = optres.x.view(dtype=np.complex128) res.trace_error = self.trace_error(res.spectrum) res.approximate_error = False return res.spectrum
[docs]class NMRetriever(NLORetriever): """ This retriever uses the gradient-free Nelder-Mead algorithm. """ method = "nm" def _retrieve(self): # local rename o = self.options res = self._result # store current guess in attribute spectrum = self.initial_guess.copy() # This algorithm is not robust against the scaling of the input vector! spectrum /= np.abs(spectrum).max() x0 = spectrum.view(np.float64).copy() # calculate the maximum number of function evaluations max_nfev = None if o.maxfev is not None: max_nfev = o.maxfev optres = optimize.minimize( self._scalar_objective, x0, method='Nelder-Mead', options={'maxfev': max_nfev}, ) res.approximate_error = False res.spectrum = optres.x.view(dtype=np.complex128) res.trace_error = self.trace_error(res.spectrum) res.approximate_error = False return res.spectrum
[docs]class BFGSRetriever(NLORetriever): """ This retriever uses the BFGS algorithm with numerical differentiation. """ method = "bfgs" def _retrieve(self): # local rename o = self.options res = self._result # store current guess in attribute spectrum = self.initial_guess.copy() # This algorithm is not robust against the scaling of the input vector! spectrum /= np.abs(spectrum).max() x0 = spectrum.view(np.float64).copy() # calculate the maximum number of function evaluations max_nfev = None if o.maxfev is not None: max_nfev = o.maxfev // x0.shape[0] optres = optimize.minimize( self._scalar_objective, x0, method='BFGS', options={'maxiter': max_nfev}, ) res.approximate_error = False res.spectrum = optres.x.view(dtype=np.complex128) res.trace_error = self.trace_error(res.spectrum) res.approximate_error = False return res.spectrum