Source code for pypret.retrieval.step_retriever

""" This module implements specific pulse retrieval algorithms, e.g.,
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
from .retriever import BaseRetriever
from .. import lib

[docs]class StepRetriever(BaseRetriever): def _retrieve(self): # local rename o = self.options log = self.log res = self._result rs = self._retrieval_state # store current guess in attribute spectrum = self.initial_guess.copy() # initialize R R = res.trace_error for i in range(o.maxiter): # store trace error and spectrum for later analysis if self.logging: # if the trace error was only approximated, calculate it here if rs.approximate_error: R = self.trace_error(spectrum, store=False) log.trace_error.append(R) # Perform a single retriever step in one of the algorithms R, new_spectrum = self._retrieve_step(i, spectrum.copy()) # update the solution if the result is better if R < res.trace_error: # R is calculated for the input, i.e., the old spectrum. res.trace_error = R res.approximate_error = rs.approximate_error res.spectrum[:] = spectrum # store the old spectrum rs.steps_since_improvement = 0 else: rs.steps_since_improvement += 1 # accept the new spectrum spectrum[:] = new_spectrum if self.verbose: if i == 0: print("iteration".ljust(10) + "trace error".ljust(20)) s = "{:d}".format(i + 1).ljust(10) if rs.approximate_error: s += "~" else: s += " " s += "{:.10e}".format(R) if R == res.trace_error: s += "*" print(s) if not rs.running: break if self.verbose: print() print("~ approximate trace error") print("* accepted as best trace error") print() # return the retrieved spectrum # for a more detailed analysis call self.result() return res.spectrum
[docs]class COPRARetriever(StepRetriever): """ This module implements the common pulse retrieval algorithm [Geib2019]_. """ method = "copra"
[docs] def __init__(self, pnps, alpha=0.25, **kwargs): """ For a full documentation of the arguments see :class:`Retriever`. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, optional Scales the step size in the global stage of COPRA. Higher values mean potentially faster convergence but less accuracy. Lower values provide higher accuracy for the cost of speed. Default is 0.25. """ super().__init__(pnps, alpha=alpha, **kwargs)
def _retrieve_begin(self, measurement, initial_guess, weights): super()._retrieve_begin(measurement, initial_guess, weights) pnps = self.pnps rs = self._retrieval_state rs.mode = "local" # COPRA starts with local mode # calculate the maximum gradient norm # self.trace_error() was called beforehand -> rs.Tmn and rs.Smk exist! Smk2 = self._project(self.Tmn_meas /, rs.Smk) nablaZnm = pnps.gradient(Smk2, self.parameter) rs.current_max_gradient = np.max(np.sum(lib.abs2(nablaZnm), axis=1)) def _retrieve_step(self, iteration, En): """ Perform a single COPRA step. Parameters ---------- iteration : int The current iteration number - mainly for logging. En : 1d-array The current pulse spectrum. """ # local rename ft = self.ft options = self.options pnps = self.pnps rs = self._retrieval_state Tmn_meas = self.Tmn_meas # current gradient -> last gradient rs.previous_max_gradient = rs.current_max_gradient rs.current_max_gradient = 0.0 # switch iteration if rs.steps_since_improvement == 5: rs.mode = "global" # local iteration if rs.mode == "local": # running estimate for the trace Tmn = np.zeros((self.M, self.N)) for m in np.random.permutation(np.arange(self.M)): p = self.parameter[m] Tmn[m, :] = pnps.calculate(En, p) Smk2 = self._project(Tmn_meas[m, :] /, pnps.Smk) nablaZnm = pnps.gradient(Smk2, p) # calculate the step size Zm = lib.norm2(Smk2 - pnps.Smk) gradient_norm = lib.norm2(nablaZnm) if gradient_norm > rs.current_max_gradient: rs.current_max_gradient = gradient_norm gamma = Zm / max(rs.current_max_gradient, rs.previous_max_gradient) # update the spectrum En -= gamma * nablaZnm # Tmn is only an approximation as En changed in the iteration! rs.approximate_error = True R = self._R(Tmn) # updates!!! # global iteration elif rs.mode == "global": Tmn = pnps.calculate(En, self.parameter) r = self._r(Tmn) R = self._Rr(r) # updates!!! rs.approximate_error = False # gradient descent w.r.t. Smk w2 = self._weights * self._weights gradrmk = (-4 * ft.dt / (ft.dw * lib.twopi) * ft.backward( * ft.forward(pnps.Smk) * (Tmn_meas - * Tmn) * w2)) etar = options.alpha * r / lib.norm2(gradrmk) Smk2 = pnps.Smk - etar * gradrmk # gradient descent w.r.t. En nablaZn = pnps.gradient(Smk2, self.parameter).sum(axis=0) # calculate the step size Z = lib.norm2(Smk2 - pnps.Smk) etaz = options.alpha * Z / lib.norm2(nablaZn) # update the spectrum En -= etaz * nablaZn return R, En
[docs]class PCGPARetriever(StepRetriever): """ This class implements the principal components generalized projections algorithm (PCGPA) for SHG-FROG. We follow the algorithm as described in [Kane1999]_ but use the PNPS formalism from [Geib2019]_ and some minor modifications: - it supports both the singular value decomposition and the power method to find/approximate the largest eigenvector. - the projection includes the scaling factor µ. This makes the method robust against initial guesses with the wrong magnitude. It should have no adverse effect. """ method = "pcgpa" supported_schemes = ["shg-frog"]
[docs] def __init__(self, pnps, decomposition="power", **kwargs): """ For a full documentation of the arguments see :class:`Retriever`. Parameters ---------- decomposition : str, optional It specifies how the FROG signal is decomposed. If `power` (the default) the power method is used to find the largest eigenvalue. If `svd` a full singular value decomposition is performed. This is potentially much slower but more accurate. """ super().__init__(pnps, decomposition=decomposition, **kwargs)
def _retrieve_begin(self, measurement, initial_guess, weights): super()._retrieve_begin(measurement, initial_guess, weights) if np.any(self.parameter != measurement.axes[0]): raise ValueError("The delay has to be sampled exactly at the " "temporal simulation grid.") def _retrieve_step(self, iteration, En): # local rename ft = self.ft options = self.options pnps = self.pnps Tmn_meas = self.Tmn_meas rs = self._retrieval_state R = self.trace_error(En) # updates!!! # project on measured intensity Smk2 = self._project(Tmn_meas /, pnps.Smk) # to outer product form for n in range(ft.N): Smk2[:, n] = np.roll(Smk2[::-1, n], n) if options.decomposition == "power": # apply power method iteration once Ek = ft.backward(En) Ek[:] = Smk2.conj() @ Ek Ek[:] = Ek.conj() / lib.norm(Ek) elif options.decomposition == "svd": # use full svd (slow!) U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(Smk2) Ek = U[:, 0] * np.sqrt(s[0]) # select U ft.forward(Ek, out=En) return R, En
[docs]class GPARetriever(StepRetriever): """ Implements the classical generalized projections algorithm for SHG-FROG as described in [DeLong1994]_ and [Trebino2000]. As far as I know the determination of the step size in GPA is not made explicit in the publications. It is usually done in a line search. In this implementation we offer three different options: - an exact line search using a Brent style minimizer - a backtracking (inexact) line search using the Armijo-Goldstein condition with c=0.5 and tau=0.5. - the same heuristic choice for the step size used in copra. The last method is the fastest, but as the first is the classic choice for GPA, it is the default. """ method = "gpa" supported_schemes = ["shg-frog"]
[docs] def __init__(self, pnps, step_size="exact", **kwargs): """ For a full documentation of the arguments see :class:`Retriever`. Parameters ---------- step_size : str, optional Specifies how the step size of the gradient step in GPA is determined. Default is `exact` which performs an exact line search. `inexact` performs a backtracking line search and `copra` uses the ad-hoc estimates for the step size used in COPRA. """ super().__init__(pnps, step_size=step_size, **kwargs)
def _retrieve_begin(self, measurement, initial_guess): super()._retrieve_begin(measurement, initial_guess) if np.any(self.parameter != measurement.axes[0]): raise ValueError("The delay has to be sampled exactly at the " "temporal simulation grid.") def _retrieve_step(self, iteration, En): # local rename ft = self.ft options = self.options pnps = self.pnps Tmn_meas = self.Tmn_meas rs = self._retrieval_state R = self.trace_error(En) # updates!!! # obtain intermediate results delay, Amk, Ek, Smk, Tmn = pnps.intermediate(self.parameter) Ek = Ek[0, :] # the same for every parameter # project on measured intensity Smk2 = self._project(Tmn_meas /, Smk) # calculate the gradient of Z w.r.t. to the temporal pulse envelope # by directly implementing (S58) of [Geib2019]_ dS = Smk2 - Smk indices = np.array(np.rint(self.parameter / ft.dt), dtype=np.int32) gradient = np.zeros((self.M, self.N), dtype=np.complex128) for m in range(self.M): gradient[m, :] = np.roll(dS[m, :] * Ek.conj(), -indices[m]) gradient = -2 * np.sum(gradient + dS * Amk.conj(), axis=0) # approximate the step size with the "copra" step size gamma0 = lib.norm2(dS) / lib.norm2(gradient) if options.step_size == "copra": # directly choose the copra step size gamma = gamma0 else: # do a line search def objective(gamma): self.trace_error(ft.forward(Ek - gamma * gradient)) return lib.norm2(Smk2 - pnps.Smk) if options.step_size == "exact": # perform an exact line search bracket = [0.9 * gamma0, gamma0] ret = minimize_scalar(objective, bracket=bracket, method="brent") gamma = ret.x elif options.step_size == "inexact": # perform a back-tracking line search until the Armijo # condition is fulfilled. t = 0.5 * lib.norm2(gradient) tau = 0.5 if iteration == 0: rs.old_gamma = 5.0 * gamma0 gamma = 2 * rs.old_gamma objective0 = objective(0.0) while objective(gamma) - objective0 > -gamma * t: gamma = gamma * tau rs.old_gamma = gamma Ek = Ek - gamma * gradient ft.forward(Ek, out=En) return R, En
[docs]class GPDSCANRetriever(StepRetriever): """ This class implements a pulse retrieval algorithm for SHG and THG d-scan based on the paper [Miranda2017]_. In our tests we found that it does not converge in the noiseless case. In other words the global solution to the least-squares problem is not a fixed point of the iteration. """ supported_schemes = ["shg-dscan", "thg-dscan"] method = "gp-dscan" def _retrieve_begin(self, measurement, initial_guess): super()._retrieve_begin(measurement, initial_guess) pnps = self.pnps rs = self._retrieval_state # calculate phase mask once rs.Hmn = np.zeros((self.M, self.N), dtype=np.complex128) for i, p in enumerate(self.parameter): rs.Hmn[i, :] = pnps.mask(p) def _retrieve_step(self, iteration, En): # local rename ft = self.ft pnps = self.pnps Tmn_meas = self.Tmn_meas rs = self._retrieval_state Hmn = rs.Hmn R = self.trace_error(En) # updates!!! # project on measured intensity Smk2 = self._project(Tmn_meas /, pnps.Smk) # modify En if pnps.process == "shg": Smk2 *= ft.backward(Hmn * En).conj() Smk2 /= np.abs(Smk2)**(2/3) En = np.sum(Hmn.conj() * ft.forward(Smk2), axis=0) elif pnps.process == "thg": Smk2 *= ft.backward(Hmn * En).conj()**2 Smk2 /= np.abs(Smk2)**(4/5) En = np.sum(Hmn.conj() * ft.forward(Smk2), axis=0) return R, En
[docs]class PIERetriever(StepRetriever): """ This class implements a pulse retrieval algorithm for SHG-FROG based on the ptychographical iterative engine (PIE). It is based on the paper [Sidorenko2016]_ and its erratum [Sidorenko2017]_. We modified the algorithm to include the scaling factor µ in the projection. This makes the method robust against initial guesses with the wrong magnitude. It should have no adverse effect. """ method = "pie" supported_schemes = ["shg-frog"] def _retrieve_step(self, iteration, En): # local rename ft = self.ft pnps = self.pnps rs = self._retrieval_state Tmn_meas = self.Tmn_meas # running estimate for the trace Tmn = np.zeros((self.M, self.N)) # random choice for the step size scaling beta = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.5) for m in np.random.permutation(np.arange(self.M)): p = self.parameter[m] Tmn[m, :] = pnps.calculate(En, p) # get intermediate results from private attribute delay, Amk, Ek, Smk, _ = pnps._tmp[p] # project Smk2 = self._project(Tmn_meas[m, :] /, Smk) # perform update Ek += beta * Amk.conj() * (Smk2 - Smk) / lib.abs2(Ek).max() # update the spectrum ft.forward(Ek, out=En) # Tmn is only an approximation as En changed in the iteration! rs.approximate_error = True R = self._R(Tmn) # updates!!! return R, En